• Our pro bono work in the supply chain plays a crucial role in creating positive social impact and by leveraging our expertise, we actively support small, locally owned factories and micro enterprises in Africa., Applying her extensive knowledge in strategic supply chain management, sourcing, and compliance, our founder, Liza, takes the lead in establishing partnerships with these factories. The objective of this approach is to enhance their capabilities, incorporate international best practices, and facilitate effective engagement with global customers.
  • Our primary focus revolves around enhancing efficiencies, ensuring compliance with local laws and international standards, fostering profitability, and building capacity. By adhering to these principles, we strive to deliver solutions that promote growth and ultimately facilitate local employment opportunities.
  • Our work encompasses five main areas of focus that contribute to advancing the "People" pillar linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These areas include:

Strategic Guidance

A supply chain strategy offering strategic guidance to manufacturers, helping them develop effective supply chain management strategies. This involves analysing current processes, identifying areas for improvement, and recommending solutions to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and minimise risks.

Process Optimization

Help manufacturers streamline their processes by evaluating inventory management systems, warehouse layouts, transportation logistics, and production planning. By optimising these processes, manufacturers can improve productivity, reduce waste, and enhance overall operational performance.

Risk Mitigation

Assist manufacturers in identifying potential risks and developing risk mitigation strategies. This  include identifying vulnerabilities in the supply chain, implementing contingency plans, and establishing alternative sourcing options. By proactively addressing risks, manufacturers can enhance their resilience and minimise disruptions to their operations.

Sustainable Practices

Contributing to the development and implementation of sustainable practices within the manufacturing process. This involves identifying opportunities for waste reduction,  waste management, energy efficiency and responsible packaging.  

Capacity Building

Introducing capacity building initiatives by providing training and knowledge transfer to manufacturers to  help them develop internal capabilities to manage their supply chain effectively. By equipping manufacturers with the necessary skills and knowledge, the strategist can empower them to sustain and further enhance their supply chain operations in the long run.
Overall, pro bono work from a supply chain strategist to manufacturers can contribute to improving supply chain efficiency, reducing costs, mitigating risks, fostering sustainability, and building internal capabilities. By leveraging their expertise, supply chain strategists can make a significant impact on manufacturers' operations and support their