Informal Sector Indicators
Our social impact indicator model is based on an adaptation of the ‘logic model’ used by organisations such as The Impact Management Project and The Centre for Social Impact Strategy. Our framework looks at; Input, activities, output, outcomes and sustainable impact. The model enables us to clarify and guide the intervention strategies and outcomes we identify by;
- Helping us define problems associated with poverty and identifying the root causes (lack of education, limited access to healthcare, unemployment, etc.) to better understand the complexity of the issues and design targeted interventions.
- Assist us in outlining the necessary inputs and resources required to implement poverty alleviation programs effectively by identifying the funding, human capital, partnerships, and other resources needed to carry out our planned activities.
- Aids in designing and implementing appropriate activities and interventions and a clear roadmap for the actions needed to address the identified causes of poverty, such as skill development, access to finance, and social safety nets.
Inputs – We define the resources needed for each group of artisans and communities
- Funding and financing
- Training
- Raw materials and components
- Tools
Activities - The specific activities we undertake to bring about change for the artisans and community
- Outreach to female owned artisans and micro-enterprises in urban and rural areas
- Training sessions on improving quality and crafting skills for a global consumer
- Promoting artisan products to our customers and potential wholesale partners
- Providing artisans with training in quality management, lead-times, and costing
- Outreach to community projects promoting female hygiene
Outputs - Identifying the immediate results of our activities
- In Our Name and the artisans/community develop a relationship built on partnership and mutual respect
- Artisans develop a better understanding of the supply chain dynamics required for their products to sell in a global market
- Artisans consistently produce high quality products
- Artisans Increase their output
- Women and young girls in poor communities identified as beneficiaries of ‘MWALI’ In Our Name’s period poverty initiative
Outcomes (Result) - The positive changes the artisans and female communities experience in the medium term
- The artisans benefit from a reliable and sustainable source of income
- The general quality of life for the artisans and their households/dependents improves
- Women and young girls experience more dignity and benefit from better female hygienic
Impact (Sustainable) – Our expected long term outcomes that will benefit the artisans and wider community
- Artisan households leave the poverty cycle
- Women and young girls lead normal lives without stigma and poor female hygiene